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108" Rautismotti

Aloittaja Juhana H, 18 kesäkuu 10, 11:36:44

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Pistetään kuvat siksi aikaa kun säilyvät ebayssä.. Samainen kone on roikkunut listoilla jo jokusen aikaa, viimeksi tarjoukset nousi 2500$ pintaan ilman varaushinnan täyttymistä.

(tuon ilmoitustekstin voi poistaa, jos menee liikaa kaupittelun puolelle.. tosin itsellä ei ole muuta tekemistä tämän kanssa, kun tietokoneen näppäimistön puhdistaminen kuolasta.. jos vain olisi massia..)

Lainaathis is a 108 cubic inch Sputhe Engeneering alloy dual carb drag motor. a similar smaller engine recently sold on ebay for 6,000.00.this engine does not use stock sportster cases. they are a heavy duty set of cases manufactured by Sputhe engeneering in california famous for high end harley racing parts. the cam chest is offset and desighed for more cam clearance. the engine uses the later design gerator pump. the bottom end is on a fresh rebuild and has never bee run yet. lower end was done by Johnson Engeneering and i have the invoice for the work, it has brand new pistons fitted to the bores, the stroke is 4.750 and the bore is 3,8125 making the 108 c.i. S&S supreme rods. it comes with a set of 45 mm mikunis and a set of .665 lift cams. the cylinders are alloy. it utilizes studs like an evo instead of bolts. the valves are titanium and the exhausts measure 2.080,the intakes measure 2.190. one head neads one guide. also comes with a bandit racing clutch and a complete andrews transmission with a trock trap door.a brand new pingle rear mount also notice the reinforcement on the output side. there also is a custom engraved cam cover and a custom made dual pickup electronic distributer. the heads were reworked by Dan Baisley and i can get flow #s if you need them. baisley also built a custom set of his roller rockers included. the engine is for racing only

Toi ilmoituksessa mainittu 6000$ konepaketti oli tosiaan kasattu orgis-lohkoihin Sputhen pytty-paketilla, ja kuutioita oli vain 80cid.  Tosin mukana tuli Oregonin title..

..olisi noi kivoja..

Tyyli ennen tarkoitusta. Asenne ennen kaikkea..

F 48